Evaan Verlaine was a female human from Alderaan that served the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War as pilot. She participated in the Battle of Scarif as part of Gold Squadron was in the sole Y-wing that survived the Battle of Yavin when Luke Skywalker destroyed the Death Star. Evaan pledged herself to Princess Leia after the battle and the pair went on a mission together to rescue the survivors from Alderaan from the Galactic Empire. Evaan joined the New Republic starfleet following the Battle of Endor and was involved in the Liberation of Kashyyyk.
- Star Wars: Force Arena
- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Fighter only)
- Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope (Fighter only)
- Grounded (Mentioned Only)
- Princess Leia, Part I (First appearance)
- Princess Leia, Part II
- Princess Leia, Part III
- Princess Leia, Part IV
- Princess Leia, Part V
- Tales from Wild Space: The Flat Mountain of Yavin
- Aftermath: Life Debt