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The Galactic Empire, also known as the First Galactic Empire, the New Order, the Empire, the Order and later known as the Old Empire— ruled for years through fear, intimidation, and tyranny. With a mighty military force including stormtroopers, spy technology like probe droids, and the planet-destroying Death Star, the regime installed by Emperor Palpatine and his right-hand, the Commander-in-Chief Darth Vader, seemed unstoppable and permanent until numerous insurgent cells united to form the Alliance to Restore the Republic and commenced a Galactic Civil War as the Empire attempted to suppress the Rebellion, only to suffer a devastating defeat a year later at the Battle of Endor during which both Emperor Palpatine and Lord Vader died, and left the Empire’s command structure in disarray, and the Rebel Alliance could begin the long process of restoring freedom to the galaxy.


Rise of the New Order[]

When Chancellor Palpatine rose to power, he orchestrated the Clone Wars to make the Republic and the Jedi seem weak and then after he was almost killed in a lightsaber duel with Mace Windu he declared himself Emperor and only a few brave Senators disagreed.

Anakin Skywalker, now Darth Vader was sent to Mustafar to eliminate the Separatist leaders which marked the end of the Clone Wars.

Imperial Era[]

The Empire had many people Rebel over the first few years but most people were too scared to act and the Rebels were taken care of immediately.

Many changes took place and here are some.

  1. The change of Clone Troopers to Stormtroopers
  2. The change of Clone Shocktroopers to Imperial Shocktroopers
  3. The change of Clone Pilots to TIE Pilots
  4. Getting rid of the old fighters except V-Wings and replacing them with TIE Fighters
  5. The change of Galactic Marine to Snowtrooper
  6. Getting rid of the old walkers except AT-RT and bringing in AT-STs, AT-DPs and AT-ATs
  7. The change of ARF Troopers and Clone Scout Troopers to Imperial Scout Troopers
  8. The transformation from the Jedi Temple to the Imperial Palace
  9. The change from Republic cruisers to Imperial Star Destroyers
  10. Stormtroopers placed on all of the Empire's worlds
  11. Stormtroopers are no longer clones, rather just people trained in an academy
  12. Clones are discharged (eventually) and replaced by graduates of stormtrooper academies.
  13. The ISB is formed and it begins operations designed to enforce absolute loyalty to the Empire through surveillance, torture, execution and assassination.
  14. The training of Inquisitors to hunt down survivors of Order 66.
  15. Mass censorship of news media, entertainment and art in order to prevent anti Imperial sentiment.
  16. Mass curtailment of civil and sentient rights as well as formalized discrimination against non humans.

Rebels cells eventually started to form, one being on Lothal led by Hera Syndulla and Kanan Jarrus. A fleet also was known to exist under the command of Bail Organa over Jun Sato. During a battle over Mustafar, Kanan Jarrus defeated the Grand Inquisitor. Little did he know that their were at least another 12 Inquisitors the Empire's disposal.

Galactic Civil War[]

The Rebels grew stronger and eventually stole the plans to the Empire's first Death Star and the Death Star was destroyed by Luke Skywalker in his X-wing starfighter. This setback caused a massive increase in the amount of anti-Imperial activity now that the Imperial Senate no longer existed and the Death Star was unable to enforce rule through terror.

The Empire was in ruins for a time but stayed firm, with Palpatine charging Darth Vader with strengthening their alliances with third-parties like the Kingdom of Shu-Torun and the Hutt Clan, before commissioning him as Commander-in-Chief. The Death Squadron flotilla and the rest of the Imperial forces now fully at his beck and call, the Emperor's Fist stroke back at the Rebels, winning crucial engagements such as the Battle of Hoth.

At the Battle of Endor, Skywalker fought his father, Vader and won on the second Death Star while the Rebel fleet was pulled into the Emperor's trap but when Skywalker refused to kill Vader, Palpatine blasted him with Force lightning. Vader stood and grabbed his master and threw him down a shaft, killing him. The Rebels on Endor destroyed the shield generator and Lando Calrissian in the Millennium Falcon and Wedge Antilles destroyed the Death Star while Luke only escaped just in time with his father's body.

The remaining leaders of the Empire joined and had a meeting led by Rae Sloane but the meeting went to ruins when an unlikely alliance of Rebels, Jas Emari, Sinjir Rath Velus, Norra Wexley, Jom Barrel, Temmin Wexley, Wedge Antilles and Mister Bones cause trouble. The only leader to escape was Sloane who went to her leader Gallius Rax who told her that the days of the Empire were over but a new power would rise. Sloane became the face of the Empire but Gallius Rax remained in charge in the shadows, commanding Rae and ultimately being in charge of the entire Empire. But the legacy of the Galactic Empire would not be easily forgotten, there were those who sought to restore the Empire from the ashes, This was the Task of the First Order.



At first the Galactic Empire was seen only as an extension of the Old Republic; and therefore, the Emperor grudgingly tolerated the existence of the Imperial Senate, an evolution of the Galactic Senate of the Republic. However, in 0 BBY the Emperor disbanded the Senate shortly after the completion of the Death Star, a battle station with the capacity to destroy planets. As a result, the senators' administrative duties were transferred to the Moffs, a cadre of sector governors who ruled their territories in the name of the Emperor.


Note: This list is incomplete
