Star Wars Canon Wiki
Star Wars Canon Wiki
KX droids

A pair of KX-series battle droids on Dandoran, with an AT-AT and a AT-ST Mark III in the background

KX-series Security Droids, also known as Imperial Enforcer Droids and Imperial Sentry Droids, were units of Sentry Droid used by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War.


These security droids were designed by Arakyd Industries and were actually classified as battle droids but, in order to construct them, the Empire told the Imperial Senate that they were just sentry droids, due to it becoming illegal to manufacture battle droids after the Clone Wars.


KX-series security droids were utilized by the Galactic Empire in the years following the end of the Clone Wars. Although being battle droids, they were publicly known in the Imperial Army as Sentry Droids in order not to make it seem that the Empire was using battle droids in their military.

At some point during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War, one KX droid was captured and reprogrammed by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, which was known as K-2SO. Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, several KX droids were used in combat against the Rebel Alliance during events such as the Tatooine Campaign and the Dandoran Campaign.


Note: This list is incomplete
