Star Wars Canon Wiki
Star Wars Canon Wiki
Sheathipede OS

The Sheathipede-class transport shuttle was a small craft used by the Trade Federation. It had a bone-brown colour and some dark-brown stripes. It had a cockpit with two seats for the OOM pilot battle droids and enough space in it's cargo bed for a squad of 4 B1 battle droids or for several Federation dignitaries.

During the Clone Wars the Confederacy of Independent Systems used a version of this shuttle with the symbols of the Confederacy and a several small cannons. The Viceroy Nute Gunray and his aide Settlement Officer Rune Haako used one of those shuttles in their escape from Geonosis. General Grievous used his personal Sheathipede-class shuttle in his journey to the Separatist Core ship on Utapau.
